
Highlights from Cronkite/Eight Poll

With BC-CNS-Cronkite/Eight Poll

By Cronkite News Service

Here are highlights from the Cronkite/Eight Poll released Tuesday. The poll has a margin for error of plus or minus 3 percentage points:

Voting for which presidential candidate:
_ McCain: 46 percent
_ Obama: 44 percent
_ Others: Less than 1 percent
_ Undecided: 9 percent

McCain voters: Is support strong or could you change your mind?
_ Very strong: 93 percent
_ Could change mind: 7 percent

Obama voters: Is support strong or could you change your mind?
_ Very strong: 94 percent
_ Could change mind: 6 percent

Expect which candidate to win presidency?
_ Obama: 62 percent
_ McCain: 20 percent
_ Don’t know/no opinion: 18 percent

Who is running the more negative campaign?
_ McCain: 46 percent
_ Obama: 22 percent
_ Both: 22 percent
_ Not sure/no opinion: 10 percent

How much have financial woes hurt voter’s family?
_ A great deal: 36 percent
_ Somewhat: 39 percent
_ Not much: 25 percent