BC-CNS-Cronkite/Eight Poll-Box,200

Highlights of poll on marriage-definition initiative, presidential race

With BC-CNS-Cronkite/Eight Poll

By Cronkite News Service

Here are some highlights from the Cronkite/Eight Poll released Tuesday by Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Eight/KAET-TV:

Proposition 102, to define marriage as a union of one man and one woman:

_ Vote for it: 49 percent
_ Vote against it: 42 percent
_ Don’t know/no opinion: 9 percent

Probably will vote for the following in November:

_ McCain: 45 percent
_ Obama: 38 percent
_ Nader: 1 percent
_ Undecided: 15 percent

Confidence in Sarah Palin’s ability to be an effective president if forced to take over:

_ Very confident: 24 percent
_ Generally confident: 24 percent
_ Not very confident: 46 percent
_ Don’t know/no opinion: 6 percent

Confidence in Joe Biden’s ability to be an effective president if forced to take over:

_ Very confident: 35 percent
_ Generally confident: 35 percent
_ Not very confident: 24 percent
_ Don’t know/no opinion: 6 percent