BC-CNS-Lawmaker Pay-Box,150

Facts about initiatives to increase Arizona lawmakers’ pay

With BC-CNS-Lawmaker Pay

By Cronkite News Service

The Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers recommends raises for Arizona lawmakers, subject to voter approval. Since 1998, when voters raised lawmakers’ pay from $15,000 to $24,000, four votes calling for a raise have failed. Here is a summary of those votes:

Year: 2000
Recommended Salary: $30,000
Vote: 66 percent against; 34 percent in favor

Year: 2002
Recommended Salary: $36,000
Vote: 66 percent against; 34 percent in favor

Year: 2004
Recommended Salary: $36,000
Vote: 61 percent against; 39 percent in favor

Year: 2006
Recommended Salary: $36,000
Vote: 52 percent against; 48 percent in favor


Source: Arizona Secretary of State’s Office