BC-CNS-GI Bill-Box,125

Key facts about new GI Bill on veterans education

With BC-CNS-GI Bill

By Cronkite News Service

Here are quick facts about the new GI Bill:

Name: Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008

Signed Into Law: June 30

Applies To: Those who served on active duty from Sept. 11, 2001, on, including National Guard members and reservists.

Service Required: Full benefits for those who have served at least 36 months, reduced to 30 continuous days for those discharged due to a disability related to military service. Those with less service receive a percentage.

What’s Covered: Tuition and fees at institutions of higher education, which can include vocational schools and nontraditional programs. A stipend to help with living expenses applies to those studying more than half-time at brick-and-mortar institutions but not to those taking online courses.


Source: Department of Veterans Affairs