- Slug: BC-CNS-Cronkite/Eight Poll-Box,175
- With: BC-CNS-Cronkite/Eight Poll
By Cronkite News Service
Some questions and results from the Cronkite/Eight Poll:
Q. Which of these positions about our current health care system comes closest to your own?
_ I am basically happy with our current system and don’t think it needs to be changed: 12 percent
_ I think we could make some minor changes to the system: 31 percent
_ I think the health care system needs major changes: 50 percent
_ I don’t have an opinion at this time about what needs to be done: 7 percent
Q. (For those with insurance): How satisfied are you with the health insurance you have?
_ Very satisfied: 45 percent
_ Generally satisfied: 33 percent
_ Somewhat dissatisfied: 10 percent
_ Very dissatisfied: 5 percent
_ Don’t know/no opinion: 7 percent
Q. Do you favor or oppose including a public option in a health care reform bill?
_ Favor: 25 percent
_ Oppose: 18 percent
_ Don’t have enough information to have an opinion: 57 percent