Hero or villain? Experts and voters consider Trump’s lasting impact on democracy

  • Slug: Fractured-Trump’s Legacy. By Lillie Boudreaux and Ismael Lele/News21. 2,956 words. Note: An abridged version of 1,268 words is also available.
  • With video story and 17 photos.

By Lillie Boudreaux and Ismael Lele

In Tuesday’s debate, Vice President Kamala Harris sought to remind voters of Donald Trump’s role in the Capitol insurrection, the criminal charges he’s faced and of his ties with autocrats, saying he “admires dictators.” Harris, in short, put Trump himself in the spotlight. It’s been a common refrain this election year: Democracy itself is at stake. From political pundits to worried voters, many have insisted that should Trump take office again, he will destroy the very foundations upon which the country was built. What is the lasting impact of Trump, and Trumpism, on American democracy? And what might the future hold if he wins in November? News21 takes a look.