BC-CNS-Wyatt Earp-Books,095

Good guy or bad guy? Some current books about Wyatt Earp

With BC-CNS-Wyatt Earp

By Cronkite News Service

Three current and upcoming books offer differing takes of Wyatt Earp’s role in the gunfight at the OK Corral:

Take: Earp was keeping the peace:

“Wyatt Earp: The Showdown in Tombstone”
_ Author: Marshall Trimble.
_ Published: 2008, Golden West Publishers, Phoenix.
_ NOTE: Part of the series Wild West Heroes and Rogues.

Take: Earp was the aggressor:

“In Defense of the Outlaws”
_ Author: Joyce Aros.
_ Published: 2008, Goose Flats Graphics, Tombstone.

“Hurled Into Eternity: The Story of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral”
_ Author: Steve Gatto
_ Published: Scheduled for release in July 2009, Protar House, Lansing, Mich.