Tips to help avoid spreading quagga mussels
With BC-CNS-Quagga-SRP
Cronkite News Service
The Arizona Game and Fish Department offers these tips to help boaters avoid spreading quagga mussels:
_ Drain water from boat motor, livewell and bilge on land before leaving the lake;
_ Flush motor and bilges with hot, soapy water or a 5 percent solution of household bleach;
_ Inspect vessel and trailer, removing any visible mussels;
_ Feel hull for rough or gritty spots, which may be young mussels;
_ Wash hull equipment, bilge and any other exposed surface with hot, soapy water or use a 5 percent solution of household bleach;
_ Clean and wash trailer, truck and any other equipment that comes in contact with lake water;
_ Air-dry boat and other equipment at least five days before launching in another waterway;
_ Remove mud and vegetation from boat or trailer;
_ Do not reuse bait that has been in the water;
_ Clean diving and fishing gear with hot water (140 degrees) or a soak in warm saltwater (1/2 cup of iodized salt per gallon of water) and air-dry.